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News Of Madonna

Exclusive interview NOM : Richard CORMAN

Rédigé le Samedi 23 Novembre 2013 à 13:01 | Lu 1550 fois

On ne pouvait pas rêver mieux pour notre retour, Richard Corman, l'un des plus grands photographes a accepté de nous accorder une courte interview. Il revient sur sa relation avec Madonna mais aussi sur ses projets.

N'oubliez pas que Richard Corman a sorti un livre : Madonna NYC 83 avec des photos inconnues de Madonna dans la période des années 80, à l'époque Madonna était en train de devenir la Reine de la Pop.

Exclusive interview NOM : Richard CORMAN
How was your first meeting with Madonna ?  You were one of the first ones to perceive the potential of the Material Girl, what attracted you to her ?
I was introduced to Madonna by my mother, Cis Corman. At the time she was casting Martin Scorcese's "The Last Temptation of Christ," and was considering Madonna to play the Virgin Mary. She described Madonna as an absolute "Original" whom I had to meet and photograph.  The first meeting was magical.  As soon as she leaned over the banister of her Lower East Side walk-up building and I saw those remarkable eyes, I knew at that moment she was special.
How is it to work with Madonna ? Is she very implicated? Could you please explain the context of the various photoshoot that you made with her, what did you want to immortalized?
At the time, in 1983, Madonna was very much herself during our shoots together. Whether photographing in her apartment, walking the streets of the Lower East Side or on the set of her first movie, Madonna was always comfortable in her own skin and consistently conveyed an attitude of fierce determination. Her humor, sexuality, style, and beauty were her own, and more times than not, the photographs were simple and non-prescriptive.

You released a book with never-seen pictures from Madonna’s first year, why do you made this now ?   You see her evolution, is she still the same or has she changed with the years ?
Two years ago, my agent arranged for the W Hotels to display a series of the Madonna photos in select hotels around the world.  The show was received very positively, and sparked the conversation with Damiani Publishers to create a photo book of these images that were all taken in the early 80’s. After 30 years she is as relevant today as she was in 1983.  And, I believe these photographs are more relevant today than ever, as Madonna's sensibility, style, fashion from the past is raging today.  The energy that pulsed back then, that Madonna represents so well, is alive today with renewed vigor.

 Does Madonna know about this book ?
Yes, she has a copy of the book.  She even posted the link to the book and some of the photos on her social media sites. 

 Are you still in touch ?
I haven’t spoken with Madonna since the early years, but I’ve been in touch with her manager and agent.  They are lovely people.  

You worked not only with Madonna but also with many artists, what was your best collaboration ?
In 2001, I was in Cape Town, South Africa, as the official photographer for the Special Olympics.  While there, I was asked to photograph a visit of significance to Robben Island by Nelson Mandela and senior members of the Special Olympics.  This was one of the first times President Mandela had returned to Robben Island after 18 years of imprisonment there.  I took multiple black-and-white photographs of President Mandela visiting his old cell.  I’ve remained inspired by President Mandela’s greatness and humility, and recently arranged for my collaborative partner Alec Monopoly to create a unique painting using the original photograph of President Mandela.  The piece integrates the vibrant colors of the South African flag throughout the black-and-white photo in Monopoly’s creative street art style.  We donated the painting to the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg.

What are your next projects ?
I’m also working closely with the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center on designing a cover image for a new app using my photos of Ali, and I’m continuing my work with long-term clients such as Ralph Lauren and the Special Olympics.  On the other side of that, I’m also very passionate about meeting and working with up-and-coming artists - just like I did in the 80’s with the young Madonna, Basquiat and Keith Haring. I’ve been working with a few very exciting personalities and I’m sure they’ll make a mark for themselves in the near future.

If you had to define your style ?
While my work varies greatly in style and subject matter, I’m always intensely focused on the human spirit.  Joy, passion, victory, defeat, aspiration, inspiration, elation, wonder.  It’s all magical to me.

Un grand merci à Mr Corman pour avoir pris le temps de répondre à nos questions !

En savoir plus sur Richard Corman

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