Hi Mona, please tell us your story, where are you from,
Born and Raised in Bronx New York!!
Where does your passion for pole dance come from?
I always enjoyed performing and when I started teaching myself how to pole dance, it gave me the opportunity to come into my own and be creative. But the passion comes from the freedom and confidence I feel when I am performing. To be able to get lost in your own world is hypnotizing.
Did you practice ballet dance before? Ballet no! But I’ve always thought it to be so beautiful and intense. I have trained in hip-hop dance, and love to Salsa, and Merengue. But think Ballet, like Pole, is very intimidating to start. It requires a unique strength, grace, and skill set. I wouldn’t mind taking a class though!
- Why did you choose pole dance, what do you like in pole dance? I love the challenge it brings. I love to train hard to hit certain poses, or to feel myself get stronger. Not only on the pole, but in my confidence as well. I chose to pole dance because I thought it looked amazing. It was different, so I glued myself to YouTube Videos (9years ago) and just practiced, practiced, practiced.
- It seems that it’s very physical, everybody can practice it? Even boys? Any tips to be the perfect pole dancer? Yes, it is very physical. It is a great choice for fitness, and ironically everybody can practice it (with doctor approval if you aren’t in the best shape). But the beginning phases, (learning how to grip, walk around etc.) just requires confidence and repetition. Eventually, like everything practice becomes routine…and practice makes for perfect. However, I don’t think there is one type of pole dancer. That’s the beauty of it. Everyone has a different style, a different body language that they give off. That’s what it’s all about. And yes, it’s EVEN FOR THE BOYS! I actually have a great male friend who loves the pole. They are naturally strong in their core, so it’s a wonderful activity to keep the abs, and arms strong!
- How many hours per day do you train? Absolutely not as much as I would like too. Right now I work on a lot of Yoga, and flexibility training. I want to be more fluid in my poses. But I spend at least 3-4 hours on the pole daily.
- How did you start to work on the Rebel Heart Tour? What was your first reaction? Well, a friend of mines told me about the auditions, but I was very hesitant at first. Then my partner and other friends kept pushing me, and telling me I would be crazy not to audition. So I said what the hell and went for it. It was nerve wrecking there were a lot of amazing Pole Artist’s and dancers in general!! So the first day, I almost walked out. It was very over whelming, but my friends and my partner were like body guards at the door, and wouldn’t let me back out! They wanted everyone to do a regular choreographed dance routine and it wasn’t my flavor of jelly. But, they called me back for the Specialty dance, and I guess they liked what they saw! Within the month I was teaching the dancers on the Rebel Heart tour how to Pole, it was all surreal!!
- Did you choose the choreography or did you create it? Madonna has the reputation of being a hardworking woman, perfectionist, how is it working with Madonna? Madonna is an Icon! She wouldn’t be half the performer she is without knowing what she wants and how she wants it. I don’t think she’s a perfectionist she’s an Artist! But yes, she works very hard! It was challenging and almost scary because I did not want to mess anything up, or put something into play that she didn’t like. The piece was a collaboration. Madonna has a staff of amazing choreographers that pieced it all together, and needed specific input on the Pole Pieces for the tour!
- The dancers are wearing a nun costume during Holy Water, did you give an advice about the outfit that they should wear for being comfortable to dance in pole? No, the costumes and outfits were an entire different ball game. I think it was a “fitting” concept though! Smile. Ironically, when I attended the show at Madison Square Garden, I got to sit next to one of the seamstress. We both spoke about how awesome getting to work for Madonna was!
- What is your favorite part of the show? The show is amazing! M throws in some oldies and goodies, and slays the new songs! It really is incredible. The best part was to know the performers now professionally, and to have seen all the long hours and hard work that went into it behind the scenes…it really makes the show even more remarkable.
- We see more and more pole dance now, according to you is it only a trend or is this going to last? I think the terminology is the key. Vertical Fitness, Pole Art, Pole dancing, Strip Dancing, Mallakhamba, Chinese Pole etc. Pole has been around for a long time. With the vast amount of competitions, and pole artist’s it’s definitely not a trend. It’s a form of expression, art, fitness, and confidence. It will always last!
- We saw that you recently collaborate with Alexander Wang for his Runway during the NYFW, with who do you want to work for now? Yes, that was a startling opportunity, and I am thankful for his staff for reaching out to me! The event was fun and energetic! I’ve always been very humble, and I truly appreciate every opportunity I am afforded to do what I love. But I would love to work with Dita Von Teese one day and be granted the opportunity to perform in one of her shows, maybe in Paris!
- What are your next projects? Will you follow the crew for the Rebel Heart Tour? Any chance to meet you in Paris one day? As for now, I really want to get back in the studio to train. I am also working hard to open my own Pole Studio in New York City. Although I am not touring, I am following the Crew for the Rebel Heart tour via social media, they are unbelievably talented!! I would love to meet in Paris one day. I am actually looking forward to traveling there in March 2016….any good spots to Pole at????
Un grand MERCI à Mona pour son temps consacré à l'interview. Pour en connaître encore plus sur elle n'hésitez pas à aller visiter sa chaine Youtube.