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News Of Madonna
News Of Madonna

​Easy Ride

Rédigé le Mardi 17 Février 2015 à 18:36 | Lu 235 fois

I want the good life
But I don't want an easy ride.
What I want is to work for it,
Feel the blood and sweat on my fingertips,
That's what I want for me.

I want to know everything...
Maybe someday I will.
What I want is to find my place,
Breathe the air and feel the sun on my children's face,
That's what I want

I go round and round just like a circle.
I can see a clearer picture.
When I touch the ground I come full circle.
To my place and I am home...
I am home.
I want to let go of all disappointment
That's waiting for me.
What I want is to live forever,
Not defined by time and space,
It's a lonely place,
That's what I want

(chorus, repeat and fade)

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